Suez Canal Authority Research Center (SCRC) - established in Ismailia in 1960 - is specialized in conducting researches, technical studies and consultancy works in the fields of design and development of navigation canals, planning of ports and harbors and design of marine structures and shore protection works. It also conducts studies in the fields of soil mechanics, testing of materials, and quality control.​​

Hydraulics Lab

Physical Modeling


SCRC's model testing facilities serve SCA and customers in the fields of port, coastal and hydraulics engineering. It includes:

  • Planning and design of ports and marine facilities.

  • Breakwater stability testing.

  • Shore protection works.


  • Wave basin for regular and irregular waves.
  • Wave flume (40 x 1.5m, with max. water depth 0.5m).
  • A canal research basin used for performing studies related to navigation in SC such as:
    • Design of canal cross sections, the optimum ship speed in the canal, stopping distances required between ships, effect of vessels off-track from the canal centerline, and navigation dangers analysis in the canal.
    • Study the hydraulic phenomena accompanying passing of ships in the canal.

Field Investigations

The field investigations are undertaken by SCRC to suit SCA and clients' specific needs and to facilitate the setting up and calibration of physical and mathematical model. The major activities include:

  • Bathymetric surveys and shore profiling.
  • Directional wave & Tide measurements.
  • Currents and current profiles measurements.
  • Salinity, temperature, and turbidity.
  • Surface soil sampling.

Examples of Carried Out Studies

  • Suez Canal development projects.
  • Planning of “Abo-Quir”, “Damietta”, and “El-Arish” ports.
  • Planning and design the fishing port in Hurgada ( Red Sea ).
  • Maintenance of “El Mountazah” historical breakwater in Alexandria.
  • Planning and design of Marina “El Alameen” on the Northern coast of Egypt.
  • Design and stability study of the breakwater of “Marabella” village on the N. coast of Egypt.
  • Siltation problem in the approach channels of the Northern entrance of SC.
  • Planning and design “Derna” port in ( Libya ) and a fishing port and “Banyas” port in ( Syria ).
  • Field investigation works for many projects on both the Mediterranean and Red Sea.

Soil Mechanics Lab and Geotechnical Drilling

Soil mechanics laboratory is equipped with testing devices to perform the following tests: Water content, specific gravity, grain size distribution analysis, atterberg Limits, soil classification, standard and modified proctor, compaction test, constant and variable head permeability, consolidation, unconfined compression test, triaxial, van shearand point load test.

Material Testing and Quality Control Lab

This lab is specialized in technical studies related to testing of materials and is concerned with:

  • Quality control tests for building materials.
  • Design of concrete mixes.
  • Tests for special materials ( rubber fenders, steel wires, synthetic fibers, chains and chemical concrete additives ).
  • Nondestructive tests on deteriorated reinforced concrete structures.
  • Tests on metallic materials.
  • Available tests are compression, tension, shear, hardness, impact and weld inspection.​
