- Referring to item (1), para (A) of art. 15 page 43 of the "Rules of Navigation" August 2015 edition, kindly be informed that; in case any type of vessel except small floating units (SCGT less than 300 tons) and "Navy ships" transits Suez Canal for the first time or after making any modifications affecting the vessel's Suez Canal tonnage without submitting a "Suez Canal Tonnage Certificate" and calculation sheets including under deck (hull) measurement, Suez Canal tolls and any associated navigational services shall be levied provisionally on the basis of Suez Canal gross tonnage (SCGT) rather than Suez Canal net tonnage (SCNT), where item(2 &3), para (F), art. (96) page 183 & 184 of the "Rules of Navigation", August 2015 edition shall be applied to it.
- This periodical shall be inforce from the first of September 2019.
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