Page 75 - Rules of Navigation2020
P. 75
Art. 52 - Dimensions of Vessels Authorized to Transit:
These dimensions are given hereunder:
A- Maximum Length : 400 m.
B- Maximum Beam : 254 ft. 3 in (3, 4)
C-Maximum Air Draft: 68 m.
D-Maximum Draught:
Tables, 1, 2, give the maximum draught authorized in relation to the beam of vessel
according to the following:
(1) Table 1: For vessels in ballast transiting in either direction (p.52).
(2) Table 2: For Loaded vessels transiting southbound & northbound (p. 53, till p.57).
Art. 53 - Conditions of Transit:
The Maximum draught for loaded vessels is according to Table 2 ( must not exceed the Tropical
Load Line). For vessels without tropical load Line indicated in the Load Line Certificate, the
maximum draught allowed will be the summer Load Line.
(1) Vessels allowed to transit with a draught over 50 feet up to 66 feet must, for the first
passage, effectuate successful sea trial before entering the Canal either at Suez or Port Said
(2) "Sister ships" shall not benefit from authorization granted to a particular vessel of the group.
Art. 54 - Transit Speed: (6, 7)
(1) Vessels allowed to transit with a speed of 14 km/hour:
a) (Load or N.G.F) L.P.G and L.N.G Carriers.
b) Loaded oil tankers and bulk cargo vessels with draught more than 44 feet (except
(2) Vessels other than mentioned in item (1) allowed to transit with a speed of 16 km/hour.
1 ) For drilling and towed units, (See Appendix No. 1 p. 69 & 71-72).
2 ) Vessels with length over 400 m. are allowed to transit with a special arrangement.
3 ) Vessels with beam over 210 ft. and up to 254 ft., 3 inch can transit the canal in a beam wind not exceeding 10
4 ) Vessels with beam over 254 ft., 3 inch may transit the canal under special request.
5 ) Above H.H.W.L (Highest High-Water Level).
6 ) Additional transit dues are levied on slow speed vessels on the basis indicated in Art. 99 p. 185.
7 ) If the vessel transit speed is equal to the critical speed the vessel has to call the port office.
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