Page 91 - Rules of Navigation2020
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efficiently  with  due  consideration  given  to  the  safety  of  the  vessel  and  the  regularity  of
                    navigation. Private diving teams are not authorized to carry out any operations in the Canal,

                    without a prior consent of the SCA, and under supervision of SCA diving team.
                    Additional dues of 43000 U.S. Dollar will be imposed upon violation.

                    Art. 70 - Direct Lights:
                    Under no circumstances shall the rays of any blinding lights be directed to the bridge or any

                    other direction which would interfere with the safe navigation of other vessels.
                    Art. 71 - Embarking and Disembarking of Persons:

                    (1) Unless authorized by SCA Port Officials, no person shall embark or disembark from a

                       vessel while passing through the Canal or in Timsah Lake or the Bitter Lakes.
                    (2) An additional due of (500 U.S. Dollars) will be imposed for violation of this rule

                    Art. 72 - Boats, other than owned by the Canal Authority:
                    Not allowed to come alongside vessels underway or maneuvering except the following at their

                    (1) Quarantine and Police boats.
                    (2) Mooring boats.

                    (3) The vessel's agent's boats.
                    Art. 73 - Vessel Overtaking Another:

                    (1) Vessels proceeding in the same direction are not allowed to overtake one another while

                       underway in the Canal and ports unless authorized by the Suez Canal Control Office.
                    (2) An additional due of (43000 U.S. Dollars) will be imposed for violation of this rule.
                    Art. 74 - Boat Drills:

                    (1) No boat drills are allowed except after authorization.

                    (2) An additional due of (1000 U.S. Dollars) will be imposed for violation of this rule.
                    Art. 75 - Venting:
                    (1) Venting of toxic and explosive gases is prohibited in Canal.
                    (2) An additional due of (20000 U.S. Dollars) will be imposed for violation of this rule.

                    (3) If abnormal smokes released from vessel's funnels, the vessel shall be charged by 10000
                       U.S. Dollars
                    Art. 76 - Long Stay:
                    (1) Unless due to conditions of traffic or incidents in the canal, transiting vessels should not

                       remain more than 24 hours in Port Said berths, the anchorages in Port Said and Port of Suez
                       roads, Timsah Lake or Bitter Lakes (See berthing dues par. A. Art. 100).

                    1 ) All tank’s openings should be closed through the whole transit
                    2 ) See Para. 10, Art. 104 p. 195.

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